"Morning Coffee" program: guest urologist Liliya Tryfonyuk
— In our time, the problem of oncological diseases is very actual, because kidney and bladder cancers are occurring more and more often. Tell me, what is the situation in this field now in the Rivne region and how often are such diseases diagnosed in our region?
— Unfortunately, the incidence of oncological diseases is increasing every year, Ukraine is no exception in this respect. Over the last decade, the incidence of malignant tumors of the prostate gland, kidneys, and bladder has almost doubled. If we talk about the statistics that are currently known in Ukraine, then the annual bulletin of the cancer registry provides statistics for 2012. According to these data, among all oncological diseases, 10%, i.e. the second place, is occupied by the prostate gland. In this entire cohort, if we take the male population, the high rate of disease among men is kidney cancer. But thanks to timely diagnosis and treatment in the early stages, it is possible for those patients diagnosed with cancer who receive treatment to continue to live and work. In Ukraine, according to the same cancer registry, in 2012, 36,000 men with prostate cancer were registered. This is quite a large number. But, receiving treatment, these people can not only fully live and work, but also in some cases even be cured of malignant formations.
— You are a specialist in the field of endourology. What is this industry and what are the advantages of this treatment method?
— Endourology is a separate branch of urology, but which is at the same time an integral part of it. Endourology makes it possible to work in the field of urology with less traumatic methods - through natural openings, through the urethra or through small punctures, if it concerns the kidneys, to treat the pathology of the urinary system. It is less traumatic, less painful, and after the operation there is a shorter recovery period, it does not require a long rehabilitation period, and in general, patients feel better.
— Quite often, people are afraid of operations because of the long preparation process and the post-operative period. You talked about the possibility of organ-sparing operations. Do we practice this in the Rivne region?
— Organ-sparing operations are not a novelty in the Rivne region. As for such operations of the urinary system, they have been performed in the region since ancient times. However, for the last decade, there was a so-called "gold standard", when it was considered that the radical method is to remove the tumor with the whole organ. Now, the operation can involve not only the removal of the organ together with the tumor, but the results are no less effective when the tumor is removed with part of the organ. Operations with partial preservation of the healthy edge of the kidney, after microscopic examination, show that it has no worse results than removing the kidney as a whole.
Endoscopic methods, together with organ-preserving methods, help not only to improve the patient's quality of life, but also to preserve his working capacity and return him to his usual rhythm of life faster.
ФОТО: У Рівному відбувається концерт "Різдвяні піснеспіви"
Сьогодні, 6 січня, у Рівному відбувається гала-концерт XXI фестивалю пісенно-музичного мистецтва "Різдвяні піснеспіви".
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ФОТО: Колядки наповнили Рівне теплом
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У Рівному запрошують на унікальну екскурсію, аби поринути у світ минувщини
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