Successful women of the Rivne region: Liliya Tryfonyuk - a doctor who restores the quality of life to patients
Choosing a doctor's profession very often becomes a continuation of the family business, a kind of medical dynasty. In the case of Liliya Yuryivna, it happened quite differently - she became the first doctor in the family. Parents would rather have Liliya Tryfonyuk choose a more "fashionable" economic, legal or computer-related profession. But the girl firmly decided: I want to be a doctor. And not just a pediatrician or a therapist, but a surgeon! Perhaps, children's ideas about the fairy-tale doctor Aibolyt, who rushes to help animals, influenced her, or maybe good stubbornness and healthy ambitions that accompanied the girl since childhood. One way or another, after studying at the Rivne Medical School and graduating from the Bukovyna State Medical University with honors, Liliya Trifonyuk came close to realizing her dream. She admits that even during her studies at the university, she secretly ran away to her future place of work in order to take lessons in medical skills from her teacher Viktor Milinevskyi at the Rivne Oncology Dispensary. Later, the talented student came to work at the department not as an intern, but as a full-fledged doctor-surgeon. Today, side by side with Viktor Anatoliyovych, Liliya Trifonyuk implements modern methods of endourology in the Rivne region.
Endourology is not just a separate field in medicine that allows research, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the urinary and male reproductive systems without traumatic incisions. (In endourology, endoscopes are used, which are inserted through the natural openings of the urinary canal or through an additional small puncture of the skin (nephroscope). That is, simply put, endourology is surgery without incisions). It is extremely important that such treatment methods allow patients to experience a fundamentally different quality of life.
- There are a number of urological and urogynecological problems with which the patient can live, but the quality of life significantly deteriorates, - explains Liliya Yuriivna. - In particular, we are talking about such a delicate problem as urinary incontinence. Statistics show that among women after the age of 50, about 70% suffer from this ailment. Many people are ashamed not only to consult a doctor, but even to discuss this problem out loud with others. They believe that, as they say, they will survive. Pay attention only when it leads to danger to life. Meanwhile, it is not even necessary to say how much inconvenience this problem creates in everyday life. So, a urogynecologist, armed with modern treatment methods, exists for the purpose of letting such a woman understand: today, medicine is quite capable of promptly and qualitatively helping in such cases, without limiting a woman in her everyday life. Quickly, non-traumatically, with a minimum of time spent on hospital treatment and the postoperative period - this is how endourology treats such diseases. Therefore, people minimize both financial and moral costs.
Another state-of-the-art method of treating urological patients, which Liliya Trifonyuk actively uses in her surgical practice, is organ-sparing operations for patients with kidney tumors. World experience shows that a tumor is not yet a reason to remove a patient's kidney, as was the practice until recently. If there is an opportunity to save this important organ, it should be used. Again, we are talking about a different quality of life, which is guaranteed to the patient by the use of such treatment methods. It helps them quickly return to the usual rhythm of life and feel like a full-fledged member of society.
Liliya Trifonyuk has been borrowing the most modern European experience in the treatment of urological patients for the third year in one of the largest and best clinics in Poland — the Military Medical Institute in Warsaw. The doctor from Rivne is studying at a postgraduate school there - the only one among Ukrainian doctors. The desire to do everything perfectly, which Liliya's parents instilled in her since childhood, is evident here as well - this year, the doctor from Rivne was among the best graduate students of the institute and even received the right to a scholarship! Lilia Trifonyuk speaks enthusiastically about studying in Warsaw:
- This is not just a classic post-graduate course, separated from practice - we are all obliged to work a certain number of hours in Polish clinical medicine. In this way, we not only acquire knowledge, but also acquire skills and practical skills! And this is exactly what I want, because medicine does not stand still, and it would be unfair to the patient to work with the same methods for twenty years, when it can be done less traumatically and more quickly.
The urologist from Rivne Liliya Tryfonyuk received an international award
Liliya Trifonyuk uses modern world methods of treatment of urological patients both at her main place of work, in the regional clinical hospital, and in the Rivne oncology clinic, where she also helps save human lives for more than a year. And he considers himself a lucky person, because he works in the best medical institutions of the region under the guidance of experienced, wise specialists. So it is not surprising that the perfectionist doctor has almost no days off.
Doctor Liliya Tryfonyuk: "J never want to change my profession"
- Patients need daily attention, regardless of the calendar - when a patient is operated on before the weekend, he still needs attention and supervision the next day, he feels calmer, more confident when the doctor is nearby, - explains Liliya Tryfonyuk. - A person becomes especially vulnerable at the time of illness and surgery. The patient seeks to understand what happened and is happening to him, what to expect - after all, a person just wants to be listened to and heard! And I strive to give this to the patient, to take into account his fears and worries - again, to quickly return him to a full quality of life, not only physical, but also moral.
Listening to Liliya Tryfonyuk, you get the impression that she has really fully realized her childhood dream - just like this beautiful, intelligent and successful woman, a real Doctor with a capital letter should be.
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