Rivne resident receives high title of “Scientist of the Year”

Doctor Liliya Tryfonyuk, who became the “Scientist of the Year 2024”, is not only a practicing physician, associate professor, PhD, and corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, but also often presents not only practical, but also scientific achievements of Ukrainian practical medicine abroad.
“The goal of the International Program “Scientific Elite of Ukraine” is to honor the merits of the scientific elite, which is able to see development for the future, strives for success, learns the Universe, acquires knowledge, and confidently goes to the top in various spheres of life. Honoring scientific traditions, popularizing the achievements of scientists, attracting young people to the world of science and creating a positive image of a scientist,” the NUVGP website states.

This was also confirmed by the words of the President of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine Anatoly ZAGORODNYI in the address of the honorary members of the organizing committee, that “New scientific searches and achievements are a very important step in our struggle for the freedom and prosperity of Ukraine” and the Head of the Ukrainian Federation of Scientists, Academician of the NAS of Ukraine Volodymyr SEMYNOZHENKO, that “for Ukraine, support for science and scientists has always been and will be a key priority. Today, our country faces large-scale tasks. The implementation of these plans requires the comprehensive implementation of the latest scientific achievements in various spheres of public life, in the real sector of the economy. And it is the scientific community that is called upon to create a technological toolkit for the modernization of Ukraine, the integration of our state into the European and world space as an equal partner.”

During the event, scientists were thanked for their timely research aimed at implementing the latest technologies and developing science in general.
- I am extremely pleased and honored to receive such a high award from the International Program - UIVC "Galaktika" together with the International Charitable Foundation "Indestructible Ukrainian Nation" and the All-Ukrainian Federation of Scientists with the support of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and Innovations, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Council of Ukraine for the Development of Science and Technology under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, as well as other state institutions and public associations. After all, it was they who selected the best of the best scientists, - says Liliya TRIFONYUK. - I am proud that now I am among those who have been awarded a congratulatory letter from an academician of the NAS and an honorary medal "Scientist of the Year". And also my achievements are recorded in the book "Scientific Elite of Ukraine. 5th edition".

Photo from the official award ceremony (provided by the Organizers)

На Гощанщині 11 березня працюватиме виїзний ЦНАП

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