Liliya Tryfonyuk: "Remaining feminine in a male profession"
Successful women of the Rivne region: Liliya Tryfonyuk - a doctor who restores the quality of life to patients
1. Do not think that there will be special "women's conditions" because a woman is a priori weaker
In men's territory, concessions are usually not made to women. You are either a professional or you are not. You will have to work at a level with a strong gender. And be ready for criticism without unnecessary emotions.
2. Never compare yourself with anyone
Do not measure yourself with your friends, relatives, or colleagues by your achievements, financial situation, or status. It is worth understanding that there will always be someone younger, slimmer, richer, more successful, more prestigious or with the title of duchess. Comparing yourself with yesterday or last year is correct. After all, it is worth evaluating only one's own achievements during this period.
3. Always be well-groomed
A well-groomed woman radiates self-confidence. She is not necessarily a natural beauty, but without a doubt always attracts attention. Do you think it takes too much money to look well-groomed? No, a well-groomed woman does not necessarily mean "dear woman". Manicure, clean (even if not always combed) hair, appropriate make-up - a minimum set 24/7. No to "stupid excuses" about not having time to take care of yourself! Otherwise, someone will someday say, "I won't go to this doctor who doesn't take care of himself, how can he help me?
4. You should not perceive life issues as problems. Solving tasks is interesting
The female mind is more plastic. He changes his mind more easily under the pressure of arguments. The male mind is prone to analysis, well dissects the whole into parts, while the female mind is holistic, the fair sex sees the whole picture with all the details. And overcoming the situation is the best medicine for stress.
The urologist from Rivne Liliya Tryfonyuk received an international award
5. To be natural
You won't be able to win over everyone, and you don't have to. You just have to do your job well. The ability to quickly get to the bottom of things, to find a way out of critical situations - precisely these qualities are valued by the strong sex. You need to try to combine strength and femininity. Only strength does not mean physical training, but the ability to calmly explain one's point of view, not to shout, not to get hysterical.
6. Observe the dress code
In the men's team, it is customary to wear pants. Mini-skirts, tight-fitting dresses with a large neckline are not the best image for work, and even more so for approval as a professional. Bright things are also not suitable. If strict dresses and trouser suits make you sad, you should add accessories to your image, for example, necklaces, decorative buttons, an elegant scarf...
7. Be able to make concessions
Why should a woman who cannot understand the word "compromise" always stand her ground? If you have not taken your interests and are not ready to give in, it is difficult to stay afloat.
8. To stand as a wall for loved ones and loved ones
You must always believe that everything will work out for loved ones, men! Always support, and in everything, give the opportunity to make mistakes. You have to love and believe to the fullest!
9. To be able to care
Not only about the man, but also in general. Be generous, think not only about yourself.
10. Be able to rest
When to work, to work, but in moments of rest, be able to go crazy and relax to the fullest!
Femininity does not mean weakness. Female power is a special state that attracts views, opportunities and luck. Cultivating and preserving female energy in us makes us many times more attractive! Be natural, do your work well and with love. And then (it doesn't matter in whose territory you find yourself) success will surely come!
Doctor Liliya Tryfonyuk: "J never want to change my profession"
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