Life colors and values of doctor Liliya Tryfonyuk
Successful women of the Rivne region: Liliya Tryfonyuk - a doctor who restores the quality of life to patients
- Although you will certainly not surprise anyone with a woman doctor, there are areas in medicine that are still considered unfeminine. For a long time, they also included surgery. Long-hour operations and an irregular schedule are not attractive conditions for anyone. Tell me from your own experience what qualities a woman should have in order to become successful in the field of surgery?
- Surgery requires a lot of stamina, endurance, mental stability and leaves little time for life outside of work. EVERYONE who chooses this path should be aware of this. Previously, the profession required physical strength, when there was still no normal pain relief, the necessary tools. Therefore, it was probably believed that a woman is too weak to move a broken bone or sew up strained muscles. However, in modern surgery, physical strength is practically not needed. Today, surgery is endotechnologies, complex devices and completely different approaches. Surgeons need not mountains of muscles, but endurance. And in this, women can sometimes give a head start even to men. In addition, I think that women add to this profession what is characteristic of them: accuracy, precision, punctuality. You also need to have a lot of patience - before you start doing something yourself, you need to see how others do it 50 times. And, of course, a surgeon needs determination. After all, there are situations when a decision needs to be made very quickly. Another quality is the ability to take responsibility for one's actions. Therefore, it is better not to enter this profession for an indecisive, doubtful and insecure person.
- You already have 15 years of experience in the surgical profession, thousands of operations and assistances, but you continue to improve, including attending internships abroad. Why is this so important to you?
- The medical profession is always a constant development, and surgery is no exception. In addition, I have the syndrome of an excellent student (smiles, - author), at the university I participated in scientific circles. I approached the choice of profession very rationally, weighed all the pros and cons. I decided that I don't want a routine, I want the profession to constantly allow me to develop. That is why I chose urology, a surgical field where you can be a good specialist, and precisely that field that is subject to the laws of logic, has a direct connection between phenomena and keeps pace with technology.
- There is a stereotype that female surgeons rarely achieve high status. Why does this happen?
- This happens, and there are a number of reasons for this. They get married - once. Tired of fighting - two. And three - under the pressure of men, they do not cope and remain at an average level. If women pay less attention to society's demands and live the way they want, independently and self-sufficiently, this will change the situation. The main thing is to try to reach the end. If you chose surgery, do not run away from the profession, but compete, work and grow.
- How to avoid comparison with men in the profession?
- Simple. Do not compare yourself with others in anything. Someone has achieved great success, someone less, in life or in the profession. This is life, it's normal. It is better to study constantly, to develop. You will live with yourself for a long time, and therefore it is necessary that it is always a good and worthy company.
The urologist from Rivne Liliya Tryfonyuk received an international award
- You talked about constant development and improvement. I know that you studied in graduate school and received the academic title of PhD in Poland. Tell us more about it.
- You always want to learn from the best. That is why I had the task of not only completing an internship, but also enrolling in postgraduate studies at a military hospital. It is one of the largest and most progressive medical structures in Poland. With an incredible competition, I had the goal to be no worse among my fellow students, not to embarrass the level of medical knowledge and skills acquired in Ukraine. It so happened that I managed to defend my thesis with the best Polish scientists with honors. This is already something that you achieve only by yourself and with your work, and it does not need any arguments in the world's scientific bases. The title of PhD is automatically a confirmation that although you live and work in Ukraine, your qualification level is not lower than that accepted throughout the world, and in Europe in particular.
- A woman has to work more than a man, because it is necessary to achieve success and have time to deal with the household and the family, and the burnout syndrome sets in. How do you manage to combine it all?
- This is a rhetorical question, because for some reason there is an opinion that work and family are difficult. There is a folk wisdom: if you don't want to work a single day in your life, choose a profession to your heart's content. My main hobby is my work. I always try to live by the principle: do what you love. And love what you do. Surgery is part of my personality. People from the outside always "see more" how to manage someone else's fate, but I follow my own path and listen only to my heart. In the future, I see myself as a happy person who has a favorite job and a loving family. I hope I don't burn out in surgery, and even if I do, it's only by my own will and inspiration.
Doctor Liliya Tryfonyuk: "J never want to change my profession"
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